


在数据处理方面功能最为强大的扩展模块.在处理实际的金融数据时,一个条数据通常包含了多种类型的数据,例如,股票的代码是字符串,收盘价是浮点型,而成交量是整型等。在C++中可以实现为一个给定结构体作为单元的容器,如向量(vector,C++中的特定数据结构)。在Python中,pandas包含了高级的数据结构Series和DataFrame,使得在Python中处理数据变得非常方便、快速和简单。 pandas不同的版本之间存在一些不兼容性,为此,我们需要清楚使用的是哪一个版本的pandas。

import pandas as pd



import numpy as np
from pandas import Series, DataFrame



2.1 创建Series

创建一个Series的基本格式是s = Series(data, index=index, name=name),以下给出几个创建Series的例子。首先我们从数组创建Series:

a = np.random.randn(5)
print "a is an array:"
print a
s = Series(a)
print "s is a Series:"
print s

a is an array: [-1.24962807 -0.85316907 0.13032511 -0.19088881 0.40475505] s is a Series: 0 -1.249628 1 -0.853169 2 0.130325 3 -0.190889 4 0.404755 dtype: float64


s = Series(np.random.randn(5), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
print s


s = Series(np.random.randn(5), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], name='my_series')
print s

a -1.898245 b 0.172835 c 0.779262 d 0.289468 e -0.947995 Name: my_series, dtype: float64 my_series


d = {'a': 0., 'b': 1, 'c': 2}
print "d is a dict:"
print d
s = Series(d)
print "s is a Series:"
print s

d is a dict: {'a': 0.0, 'c': 2, 'b': 1} s is a Series: a 0 b 1 c 2 dtype: float64


Series(d, index=['b', 'c', 'd', 'a'])

b 1 c 2 d NaN a 0 dtype: float64

我们可以观察到两点:一是字典创建的Series,数据将按index的顺序重新排列;二是index长度可以和字典长度不一致,如果多了的话,pandas将自动为多余的index分配NaN(not a number,pandas中数据缺失的标准记号),当然index少的话就截取部分的字典内容。 如果数据就是一个单一的变量,如数字4,那么Series将重复这个变量:

Series(4., index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])

a 4 b 4 c 4 d 4 e 4 dtype: float64

2.2 Series数据的访问


s = Series(np.random.randn(10),index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'])



a 1.432811 b 0.120681 dtype: float64

s[['e', 'i']]

e 1.327594 i -0.634347 dtype: float64

s[s > 0.5]

a 1.432811 c 0.578146 e 1.327594 g 1.850783 dtype: float64

'e' in s




3.1 创建DataFrame


d = {'one': Series([1., 2., 3.], index=['a', 'b', 'c']), 'two': Series([1., 2., 3., 4.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
df = DataFrame(d)
print df

one two a 1 1 b 2 2 c 3 3 d NaN 4


df = DataFrame(d, index=['r', 'd', 'a'], columns=['two', 'three'])
print df

two three r NaN NaN d 4 NaN a 1 NaN


print "DataFrame index:"
print df.index
print "DataFrame columns:"
print df.columns
print "DataFrame values:"
print df.values

DataFrame index: Index([u'alpha', u'beta', u'gamma', u'delta', u'eta'], dtype='object') DataFrame columns: Index([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e'], dtype='object') DataFrame values: [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.] [ 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.] [ 3. 6. 9. 12. 15.] [ 4. 8. 12. 16. 20.]]


d = {'one': [1., 2., 3., 4.], 'two': [4., 3., 2., 1.]}
df = DataFrame(d, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
print df

one two a 1 4 b 2 3 c 3 2 d 4 1


d= [{'a': 1.6, 'b': 2}, {'a': 3, 'b': 6, 'c': 9}]
df = DataFrame(d)
print df

 a  b   c

0 1.6 2 NaN 1 3.0 6 9


df = DataFrame()
print df

Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []


a = Series(range(5))
b = Series(np.linspace(4, 20, 5))
df = pd.concat([a, b], axis=1)
print df

0 1 0 0 4 1 1 8 2 2 12 3 3 16 4 4 20


df = DataFrame()
index = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'eta']
for i in range(5):
    a = DataFrame([np.linspace(i, 5*i, 5)], index=[index[i]])
    df = pd.concat([df, a], axis=0)
print df

   0  1   2   3   4

alpha 0 0 0 0 0 beta 1 2 3 4 5 gamma 2 4 6 8 10 delta 3 6 9 12 15 eta 4 8 12 16 20

3.2 DataFrame数据的访问


print df[1]
print type(df[1])
df.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
print df['b']
print type(df['b'])
print df.b
print type(df.b)
print df[['a', 'd']]
print type(df[['a', 'd']])

alpha 0 beta 2 gamma 4 delta 6 eta 8 Name: 1, dtype: float64 alpha 0 beta 2 gamma 4 delta 6 eta 8 Name: b, dtype: float64 alpha 0 beta 2 gamma 4 delta 6 eta 8 Name: b, dtype: float64 a d alpha 0 0 beta 1 4 gamma 2 8 delta 3 12 eta 4 16* * *


print df['b'][2]
print df['b']['gamma']

4.0 4.0


print df.iloc[1]
print df.loc['beta']

a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 Name: beta, dtype: float64 a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 Name: beta, dtype: float64


print "Selecting by slices:"
print df[1:3]
bool_vec = [True, False, True, True, False]
print "Selecting by boolean vector:"
print df[bool_vec]

Selecting by slices: a b c d e beta 1 2 3 4 5 gamma 2 4 6 8 10 Selecting by boolean vector: a b c d e alpha 0 0 0 0 0 gamma 2 4 6 8 10 delta 3 6 9 12 15


print df[['b', 'd']].iloc[[1, 3]]
print df.iloc[[1, 3]][['b', 'd']]
print df[['b', 'd']].loc[['beta', 'delta']]
print df.loc[['beta', 'delta']][['b', 'd']]

   b   d

beta 2 4 delta 6 12 b d beta 2 4 delta 6 12 b d beta 2 4 delta 6 12 b d beta 2 4 delta 6 12


print df.iat[2, 3]
print['gamma', 'd']

8.0 8.0


print df.ix['gamma', 4]
print df.ix[['delta', 'gamma'], [1, 4]]
print df.ix[[1, 2], ['b', 'e']]
print "Unwanted result:"
print df.ix[['beta', 2], ['b', 'e']]
print df.ix[[1, 2], ['b', 4]]

10.0 b e delta 6 15 gamma 4 10 b e beta 2 5 gamma 4 10 Unwanted result: b e beta 2 5 2 NaN NaN b 4 beta 2 NaN gamma 4 NaN



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame



dates = pd.date_range('20150101', periods=5)
print dates

[2015-01-01, ..., 2015-01-05] Length: 5, Freq: D, Timezone: None


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 4),index=dates,columns=list('ABCD'))
print df

               A         B         C         D

2015-01-01 -0.168870 0.191945 -0.906788 -1.295211 2015-01-02 -0.985849 0.312378 -1.513870 -0.876869 2015-01-03 -0.241945 1.437763 0.209494 0.061032 2015-01-04 0.139199 0.124118 -0.204801 -1.745327 2015-01-05 0.243644 -0.373126 0.333583 2.640955


df2 = pd.DataFrame({ 'A' : 1., 'B': pd.Timestamp('20150214'), 'C': pd.Series(1.6,index=list(range(4)),dtype='float64'), 'D' : np.array([4] * 4, dtype='int64'), 'E' : 'hello pandas!' })
print df2

A B C D E 0 1 2015-02-14 1.6 4 hello pandas! 1 1 2015-02-14 1.6 4 hello pandas! 2 1 2015-02-14 1.6 4 hello pandas! 3 1 2015-02-14 1.6 4 hello pandas!



stock_list = ['000001.XSHE', '000002.XSHE', '000568.XSHE', '000625.XSHE', '000768.XSHE', '600028.XSHG', '600030.XSHG', '601111.XSHG', '601390.XSHG', '601998.XSHG']
raw_data = DataAPI.MktEqudGet(secID=stock_list, beginDate='20150101', endDate='20150131', pandas='1')
df = raw_data[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'secShortName', 'openPrice', 'highestPrice', 'lowestPrice', 'closePrice', 'turnoverVol']]


print df.shape

(200, 8)


print "Head of this DataFrame:"
print df.head()
print "Tail of this DataFrame:"
print df.tail(3)

Head of this DataFrame: secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 平安银行 15.99 16.28 15.60 16.02 286043643 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 平安银行 15.85 16.39 15.55 15.78 216642140 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 平安银行 15.56 15.83 15.30 15.48 170012067 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 平安银行 15.50 15.57 14.90 14.96 140771421 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 平安银行 14.90 15.87 14.71 15.08 250850023 Tail of this DataFrame: secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 197 601998.XSHG 2015-01-28 中信银行 7.04 7.32 6.95 7.15 163146128 198 601998.XSHG 2015-01-29 中信银行 6.97 7.05 6.90 7.01 93003445 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718


print df.describe()

   openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice   turnoverVol

count 200.00000 200.000000 200.00000 200.000000 2.000000e+02 mean 15.17095 15.634000 14.86545 15.242750 2.384811e+08 std 7.72807 7.997345 7.56136 7.772184 2.330510e+08 min 6.14000 6.170000 6.02000 6.030000 1.242183e+07 25% 8.09500 8.250000 7.98750 8.127500 7.357002e+07 50% 13.96000 14.335000 13.75500 13.925000 1.554569e+08 75% 19.95000 20.500000 19.46250 20.012500 3.358617e+08 max 36.40000 37.250000 34.68000 36.150000 1.310855e+09


print "Order by column names, descending:"
print df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False).head()

Order by column names, descending: turnoverVol tradeDate secShortName secID openPrice lowestPrice highestPrice closePrice 0 286043643 2015-01-05 平安银行 000001.XSHE 15.99 15.60 16.28 16.02 1 216642140 2015-01-06 平安银行 000001.XSHE 15.85 15.55 16.39 15.78 2 170012067 2015-01-07 平安银行 000001.XSHE 15.56 15.30 15.83 15.48 3 140771421 2015-01-08 平安银行 000001.XSHE 15.50 14.90 15.57 14.96 4 250850023 2015-01-09 平安银行 000001.XSHE 14.90 14.71 15.87 15.08


print "Order by column value, ascending:"
print df.sort(columns='tradeDate').head()
print "Order by multiple columns value:"
df = df.sort(columns=['tradeDate', 'secID'], ascending=[False, True])
print df.head()

Order by column value, ascending: secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 平安银行 15.99 16.28 15.60 16.02 286043643 20 000002.XSHE 2015-01-05 万科A 14.39 15.29 14.22 14.91 656083570 40 000568.XSHE 2015-01-05 泸州老窖 20.50 21.99 20.32 21.90 59304755 60 000625.XSHE 2015-01-05 长安汽车 16.40 18.07 16.32 18.07 82087982 80 000768.XSHE 2015-01-05 中航飞机 18.76 19.88 18.41 19.33 84199357 Order by multiple columns value: secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 13.93 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 13.12 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293


3.1 再谈数据的访问


print df.iloc[1:4][:]

      secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 13.12 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495


print df[df.closePrice > df.closePrice.mean()].head()

       secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 58 000568.XSHE 2015-01-29 泸州老窖 19.04 19.23 19.00 19.15 12421826


print df[df['secID'].isin(['601628.XSHG', '000001.XSHE', '600030.XSHG'])].head()
print df.shape

       secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 13.93 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 18 000001.XSHE 2015-01-29 平安银行 13.82 14.01 13.75 13.90 101675329 138 600030.XSHG 2015-01-29 中信证券 28.10 28.58 27.81 28.18 386310957 17 000001.XSHE 2015-01-28 平安银行 13.87 14.30 13.80 14.06 124087755 (200, 8)

3.2 处理缺失数据


df['openPrice'][df['secID'] == '000001.XSHE'] = np.nan
df['highestPrice'][df['secID'] == '601111.XSHG'] = np.nan
df['lowestPrice'][df['secID'] == '601111.XSHG'] = np.nan
df['closePrice'][df['secID'] == '000002.XSHE'] = np.nan
df['turnoverVol'][df['secID'] == '601111.XSHG'] = np.nan
print df.head(10)

       secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 NaN 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 NaN 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 159 601111.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国国航 7.92 NaN NaN 7.69 NaN 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718


print "Data size before filtering:"
print df.shape
print "Drop all rows that have any NaN values:"
print "Data size after filtering:"
print df.dropna().shape
print df.dropna().head(10)
print "Drop only if all columns are NaN:"
print "Data size after filtering:"
print df.dropna(how='all').shape
print df.dropna(how='all').head(10)
print "Drop rows who do not have at least six values that are not NaN"
print "Data size after filtering:"
print df.dropna(thresh=6).shape
print df.dropna(thresh=6).head(10)
print "Drop only if NaN in specific column:"
print "Data size after filtering:"
print df.dropna(subset=['closePrice']).shape
print df.dropna(subset=['closePrice']).head(10)

Data size before filtering: (200, 8) Drop all rows that have any NaN values: Data size after filtering: (140, 8) secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718 58 000568.XSHE 2015-01-29 泸州老窖 19.04 19.23 19.00 19.15 12421826 78 000625.XSHE 2015-01-29 长安汽车 19.60 19.64 18.90 19.24 25546060 98 000768.XSHE 2015-01-29 中航飞机 24.65 25.63 24.53 24.98 67095945 Drop only if all columns are NaN: Data size after filtering: (200, 8) secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 NaN 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 NaN 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 159 601111.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国国航 7.92 NaN NaN 7.69 NaN 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718 Drop rows who do not have at least six values that are not NaN Data size after filtering: (180, 8) secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 NaN 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 NaN 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718 18 000001.XSHE 2015-01-29 平安银行 NaN 14.01 13.75 13.90 101675329 Drop only if NaN in specific column: Data size after filtering: (180, 8) secID tradeDate secShortName openPrice highestPrice lowestPrice closePrice turnoverVol 19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 NaN 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 159 601111.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国国航 7.92 NaN NaN 7.69 NaN 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718 18 000001.XSHE 2015-01-29 平安银行 NaN 14.01 13.75 13.90 101675329


print df.fillna(value=20150101).head()

      secID   tradeDate secShortName    openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice   closePrice  turnoverVol

19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 20150101.00 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 20150101.00 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293

3.3 数据操作


df = raw_data[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'secShortName', 'openPrice', 'highestPrice', 'lowestPrice', 'closePrice', 'turnoverVol']]
print df.mean(0)

openPrice 1.517095e+01 highestPrice 1.563400e+01 lowestPrice 1.486545e+01 closePrice 1.524275e+01 turnoverVol 2.384811e+08 dtype: float64


print df['closePrice'].value_counts().head()

6.58 3 13.12 2 9.13 2 8.58 2 6.93 2 dtype: int64

在panda中,Series可以调用map函数来对每个元素应用一个函数,DataFrame可以调用apply函数对每一列(行)应用一个函数,applymap对每个元素应用一个函数。这里面的函数可以是用户自定义的一个lambda函数,也可以是已有的其他函数。下例展示了将收盘价调整到[0, 1]区间:

print df[['closePrice']].apply(lambda x: (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())).head()

closePrice 0 0.331673 1 0.323705 2 0.313745 3 0.296481 4 0.300465


dat1 = df[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'closePrice']].head()
dat2 = df[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'closePrice']].iloc[2]
print "Before appending:"
print dat1
dat = dat1.append(dat2, ignore_index=True)
print "After appending:"
print dat

Before appending: secID tradeDate closePrice 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 16.02 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 15.78 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 15.48 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 14.96 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 15.08 After appending: secID tradeDate closePrice 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 16.02 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 15.78 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 15.48 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 14.96 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 15.08 5 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 15.48

DataFrame可以像在SQL中一样进行合并,在上篇中,我们介绍了使用concat函数创建DataFrame,这就是一种合并的方式。另外一种方式使用merge函数,需要指定依照哪些列进行合并,下例展示了如何根据security ID和交易日合并数据:

dat1 = df[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'closePrice']]
dat2 = df[['secID', 'tradeDate', 'turnoverVol']]
dat = dat1.merge(dat2, on=['secID', 'tradeDate'])
print "The first DataFrame:"
print dat1.head()
print "The second DataFrame:"
print dat2.head()
print "Merged DataFrame:"
print dat.head()

The first DataFrame: secID tradeDate closePrice 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 16.02 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 15.78 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 15.48 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 14.96 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 15.08 The second DataFrame: secID tradeDate turnoverVol 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 286043643 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 216642140 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 170012067 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 140771421 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 250850023 Merged DataFrame: secID tradeDate closePrice turnoverVol 0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 16.02 286043643 1 000001.XSHE 2015-01-06 15.78 216642140 2 000001.XSHE 2015-01-07 15.48 170012067 3 000001.XSHE 2015-01-08 14.96 140771421 4 000001.XSHE 2015-01-09 15.08 250850023


df_grp = df.groupby('secID')
grp_mean = df_grp.mean()
print grp_mean

         openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

secID 000001.XSHE 14.6550 14.9840 14.4330 14.6650 154710615 000002.XSHE 13.3815 13.7530 13.0575 13.4100 277459431 000568.XSHE 19.7220 20.1015 19.4990 19.7935 29199107 000625.XSHE 19.4915 20.2275 19.1040 19.7170 42633332 000768.XSHE 22.4345 23.4625 21.8830 22.6905 92781199 600028.XSHG 6.6060 6.7885 6.4715 6.6240 531966632 600030.XSHG 31.1505 32.0825 30.4950 31.2325 611544509 601111.XSHG 8.4320 8.6520 8.2330 8.4505 104143358 601390.XSHG 8.4060 8.6625 8.2005 8.4100 362831455 601998.XSHG 7.4305 7.6260 7.2780 7.4345 177541066

如果希望取每只股票的最新数据,应该怎么操作呢?drop_duplicates可以实现这个功能,首先对数据按日期排序,再按security ID去重:

df2 = df.sort(columns=['secID', 'tradeDate'], ascending=[True, False])
print df2.drop_duplicates(subset='secID')

       secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

19 000001.XSHE 2015-01-30 平安银行 13.93 14.12 13.76 13.93 93011669 39 000002.XSHE 2015-01-30 万科A 13.09 13.49 12.80 13.12 209624706 59 000568.XSHE 2015-01-30 泸州老窖 19.15 19.51 19.11 19.12 14177179 79 000625.XSHE 2015-01-30 长安汽车 19.16 19.45 18.92 19.18 21233495 99 000768.XSHE 2015-01-30 中航飞机 25.38 25.65 24.28 24.60 59550293 119 600028.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国石化 6.14 6.17 6.02 6.03 502445638 139 600030.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信证券 28.50 28.72 27.78 27.86 304218245 159 601111.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国国航 7.92 8.03 7.65 7.69 61877792 179 601390.XSHG 2015-01-30 中国中铁 8.69 8.69 8.12 8.14 352357431 199 601998.XSHG 2015-01-30 中信银行 7.10 7.14 6.92 6.95 68146718


print df2.drop_duplicates(subset='secID', take_last=True)

       secID   tradeDate secShortName  openPrice  highestPrice  lowestPrice  closePrice  turnoverVol

0 000001.XSHE 2015-01-05 平安银行 15.99 16.28 15.60 16.02 286043643 20 000002.XSHE 2015-01-05 万科A 14.39 15.29 14.22 14.91 656083570 40 000568.XSHE 2015-01-05 泸州老窖 20.50 21.99 20.32 21.90 59304755 60 000625.XSHE 2015-01-05 长安汽车 16.40 18.07 16.32 18.07 82087982 80 000768.XSHE 2015-01-05 中航飞机 18.76 19.88 18.41 19.33 84199357 100 600028.XSHG 2015-01-05 中国石化 6.59 7.14 6.45 7.14 1186499645 120 600030.XSHG 2015-01-05 中信证券 33.90 35.25 33.01 34.66 698627215 140 601111.XSHG 2015-01-05 中国国航 7.98 8.62 7.98 8.62 231611758 160 601390.XSHG 2015-01-05 中国中铁 9.37 9.37 8.90 9.13 469902172 180 601998.XSHG 2015-01-05 中信银行 8.15 8.33 7.91 8.16 337368242



dat = df[df['secID'] == '600028.XSHG'].set_index('tradeDate')['closePrice']
dat.plot(title="Close Price of SINOPEC (600028) during Jan, 2015")

\<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x49b6510> pandas